Midnight Snack is a school project made of a short 2D animation film.

The film is about revenge against sexual abuse in a bloody and deadly way. We wanted to have something striking and powerfull so we choose to focus our story around Asenath, a young girl who’s got an heavy secret. 

Here are some of the pages of the Pre-Production Bible we created with Romane Ledoux, my partner for this project.

We really wanted to focus our Artistic Direction around simple and angular design for the sets and characters. 
One of the biggest challenge we faced was to find a way to keep enough informations for the positions and movements the characters could be having while also getting rid of the line as we wanted to create line-less characters.
We took inspirations at a lot of animated music clips and short film. Here are some of the mood-board we created :

Our main inspirations :

- Sons - Concorde (music clip)
- Alex Grigg’s work
- Shinjuku Night - Robert Valley (short film)
- Champignons à la Crème - ASA (Student short film)
- Antaraxya - Rubika (short film)
- Let’s Go - Stuck in the Sound (music clip)
- Better Worlds - The Verge (serie of short films)
- Many others...

One of the biggest challenge we faced regarding the set devellopment was to find a consistant and efficient way to lit the rooms of a night club. I ended up using a lot of lasso and colored mask in photoshop :

To create a coherent a plausible environnement, we had to rely on a 3D miniature of the Night Club. We used Sketchup to create the basic views of every shot. Here is an isometric view of the club :

And here’s one of our storyboard. The story never truly changed from the original take but we ended up stripping some shots out because they were too time consuming.

For the post-production we mainly used After Effects and Duik.
Duik was really usefull to animate the keyframes for the crowd and to simulate a 2D Camera. 

Thanks again to Owl Vision who kindly agreed to let us use his amazing music.
Thanks to all the school team at Rubika who made the making of this film possible.
Thanks to all our friends and families.
Thanks to Les Cool Kids, to la Prom’Potes.